Gilat Telecom Launches The One Minute Voice and Data Network

Gilat Telecom today launched its One Minute Network, a voice and data network that can be assembled and connected to the company’s global satellite network within one minute.

The One Minute Network has been developed for use in disaster areas, refugee camps and NGO offices, as well as temporary sites including events and mining research initiatives.

Gilat Telecom has successful deployments in 50 countries worldwide and in 2016 was named as the Best African Satellite Provider in Africa in recognition of its investment in the development of a whole host of innovative technologies across both its satellite and fiber networks.

The One Minute Network was designed in response to demand from a variety of existing customers including those working in disaster areas. The network is a ready-made system that contains all the components required to build a reliable and always-on network that can support voice, internet and video.

The One Minute Network includes base stations, Mobile VSAT terminals, repeaters, Satellite PTT phones and personal tracking units that can be used by individuals to send emergency signals. It can be powered by solar and/or batteries.

Dan Zajicek, CEO of Gilat Telecom, said “Our engineers have used all their expertise and experience to produce a system which can be built quickly and easily.  We have firmly established ourselves as one of the most reliable and consistent providers of broadband connectivity; The One Minute Network will offer the same QoS as all of our other networks.”

Gilat Telecom’s customers include cellular operators, major ISPs, banks, NGOs and Government projects.

By | 2020-10-15T13:10:45+00:00 January 14th, 2017|PR, Press|Comments Off on Gilat Telecom Launches The One Minute Voice and Data Network


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